Version: JAVA PC (Bungeecord) Paper Version 1.19.2
Spawn: 0, 0 | Nether: 0, 111.5, 0
Difficulty: Hard
View Distance: 18
Simulation Distance: 8
Spawn Protection: 0
World Type: Default
Core Protect
WorldEdit (Creative world only)

To add a marker, place a sign and type the following on the different lines:
Your Info Here
Your Info Here
For all Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, open your advancements menu (default “L”), and find the Vanilla Tweaks tab. Then hover the data pack to see all the information you need to know to use the data pack.

Anti Endermen Grief: This prevents endermen from picking up blocks

Armor Statues: Pose an armor stand and pose it and/or what it is holding (and also make item frames invisible). video
To activate: Craft a written book and quill and name it “Statues” on an anvil.

Coordinates HUD: Add coordinates to your screen above your hotbar. video
To Activate: type “/trigger ch_toggle

Custom Nether Portals: Create Nether Portals of different sizes based on the amount of obsidian, not just the shape. video

Double Shulker Shells: Killing a shulker guarantees it will drop 2 shells

Dragon Drops: Dragon will drop an Elytra and an Egg each time it is killed.

Item Averages: Allows you to calculate how many drops you will get per hour passing through a certain block. video
To Activate: /trigger ia_help then click “Get Data Point” and set it and start!

More Mob Heads: Allows a chance of a mob killed by a player to drop its head for you to keep!

Nether Portal Coordinates: Use a trigger in-game to calculate where you should build a portal to link it correctly in another dimension. video
To Activate: If you’re in the overworld and you’re looking for Nether coordinates, type “/trigger nc_inOverworld”
If you’re in the Nether and you’re looking for Overworld coordinates, type “/trigger nc_inNether”

Player Heads: When one player kills another player (or a player creatively kills themselves) their head will drop. DO NOT KILL PLAYERS WITHOUT PERMISSION!

Redstone Rotation Wrench: Allows you to rotate placed redstone components with a wrench crafted with 3 gold and 1 iron ingot. video

Silence Mobs: Use a nametag named “silence me” to stop a specific mobs ambient noises. You can then rename the mob again to anything else and they will stay silent. video

Spectator Conduit Power: Players in spectator mode can see better underwater (not sure if there’s a way to toggle that or not? No info on the site).
To Activate: /trigger conduit_power

Spectator Night Vision: Players in spectator mode can see better in the dark (not sure if there’s a way to toggle that or not? No info on the site).
To Activate: /trigger night_vision

Terracotta Rotation Wrench: Allows you to rotate placed Glazed Terracotta to better line up patterns with a wrench crafted with 3 gold and 1 iron ingot. video

Teleportation (Homes, Spawn, TPA) : Teleport to home or world spawn with /trigger home and /trigger spawn. Set your home with /trigger sethome [1-25]. ALSO teleport to another player with /trigger tpa set [playername]

Unlock all recipes: Unlocks all recipes for all players joining the server instead of waiting until Minecraft magic shows us the recipes!

Villager Workstation Highlights: When you place a workstation near a villager, it will highlight it with a particle effect if a villager has claimed it. Similar, but not exactly the same as Bedrock, I believe.
To Activate: /trigger vwh_findStation
Voodoo Beard

Bed Sleep Menu System: When sleeping in or standing on a bed, a text menu appears that you CLICK on with your mouse and you can make it day or night, and change the weather.
NOTE: If you do not want to set your spawn, or if you are in the Nether or the End, you can STAND on the bed and still make it work. Just be careful not to blow up!

Item Magnet: Hold in your off-hand and items within 6 blocks will be drawn to you. New in v2.0! Craft an Item Magnet into an XP Magnet to bring that sweet XP to you from 16 blocks away. Found in Buried Treasure loot chests. video

Crop Harvesting: Holding a Diamond Hoe will auto-magically harvest and replant any fully grown crops you walk over. Harvests: Wheat, Potatoes, Carrots, Beetroot and Nether Wart.

Anti Zombie Breach: Prevents Zombies, Zombie Villagers & Drowned from breaking doors.
Crafting Datapacks

Back to Blocks: Turn slabs and stairs back to blocks to save some inventory space. video

Universal Dyeing: Dye things even if they’re already dyed a color. video

Sandstone Dyeing: Use red dye to turn Sandstone into Red Sandstone. video

More Trapdoors: Crafting Trapdoors gives you 12 instead…cause maths. video

More Stairs: Crafting Stairs gives you 8 instead…cause maths. video

More Bark: Crafting Bark Blocks gives you 4 instead…cause maths. video

More Bricks: Crafting Bricks gives you 4 instead…cause (you guessed it) maths. video

(This has been updated to an affiliate link, but the link to Shockbyte has been here forever because I really do love them and their support teams are amazing!)